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A Co-Creative Climate

Dr Michael Johnson

Research Overview

This Design Ecosystem Fellowship, awarded £19,600 and delivered between July 2022 and Feb 2023, focused on mapping the emerging role of participatory design in Glasgow’s sustainable development. Glasgow hosted COP26 in November 2021, which stimulated support for net zero and nature-based enterprise (NBE) initiatives in the city’s local enterprise eco-system across private, public and third sector projects and collaborations. The enquiry focus for such an ecosystem mapping was to capture not just the role of participatory design work, but how value was created, developed and distributed throughout such networks in relation to sustainable development targets and outcomes. 

A Co-Creative Climate: Participatory design's emerging role for Glasgow's sustainable development

Dr Michael Johnson

Author: Michael Pierre Johnson

Michael Pierre Johnson

Dr Michael Pierre Johnson is an Innovation Leadership Fellow in the Creative Economy at the School of Innovation and Technology at the Glasgow School of Art. His research centres on making the value