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Transition Templates AI and Digital

Joanna Boehnert and Alistair Alexander, Bath Spa University

Pathways for Net Zero+

This project is prototyping a new four-step Transition Template process to support decarbonisation in the digital sector.

The researchers launch the Four Futures Framework and build capacities to envision, design, communicate, and enact energy transitions with participatory workshops and events alongside partners Green Tech South West and Friends of the Earth.

Joanna Boehnert

Dr. Joanna Boehnert is a Senior Lecturer in Design at Bath Spa University. She is working on a three-year AHRC funded project called “ Transition Templates: Pathways to Net Zero+ ” with Ben Reason at

Alistair Alexander

Alistair Alexander’s work explores the intersections between technology, climate and regenerative futures. Alistair Alexander leads research and public engagement projects on the social and ecological