This project explores the re-making of the ‘Sussex Chair’, William Morris Company’s best-selling piece of furniture around 1880-1920. The University of Brighton are partnering with the charity ‘Making It Out’ that supports people recently released from prison and those rehabilitating from chronic addiction to positively move on in their lives.
Through the co-design and production of a new range of regionally situated chair products, the project will pioneer research into how making together drives an eco-system of opportunity, which can contribute to a sustainable Society (S) Economy (E) and Environment (E).
There is much evidence that making (especially in groups) is good for our wellbeing. Through the research, the researchers seek to optimise the making process they use to maximise the wellbeing benefit. Moreover, the reserachers employ expertise and principles for the improvement and conservation of nature in the landscape from where they source the materials.
By combining Social, Economic and Environmental objectives into their new furniture offer, the project seek to deliver a sustainable future for the charity and improve the lives of those engaged with it. In doing so the researchers explore the principles that underpin Morris’ original archetype for the modern age.