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SADACCA: Positive Energy District

Julia Udall, Eve Stirling and Karam Al-Obaidi, Sheffield Hallam University

Co-designing a Positive Energy Neighbourhood with Sheffield and District African and Caribbean Association (SADACCA).

Architectural and design researchers will collaborate with citizen-researchers from Sheffield’s long-standing African and Caribbean Community Association to collectively build the framework for a thoughtful and radical Positive Energy Neighbourhood.

Through a multigenerational approach– with the SADACCA youth group and Windrush generation Elders– it will support the development of the energy infrastructures required for green transition, by working with and from the energetic infrastructures of solidarity and care that underpin joyful neighbourhood life.

Julia Udall

Dr. Julia Udall is an architectural researcher and educator. Julia’s work explores eco-social architectures, commoning, and feminist spatial practice. She leads the Life-Centring Cultural Heritage

Karam Al-Obaidi

Dr Karam Al-Obaidi is a Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Architecture and leads the MSc course in Zero Carbon Buildings and Technologies at Sheffield Hallam University. Karam is an architectural

Eve Stirling

Dr Eve Stirling is an Associate Head of Sheffield Creative Industries Institute. Eve is an experienced design scholar and educator, working with issues around technology, decolonising and gender. Her