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About Future Observatory

More Than Human: Tickets now on sale

A major exhibition bringing together art, science and radical thinking to ask how design can help our planet thrive by shifting its focus beyond human needs. Why has design traditionally only focused
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Free Exhibition at the Design Museum: Tomorrow's Wardrobe

What is the future of fashion at a time of climate crisis? Discover the urgent research and innovation taking place to design a future for fashion that is both stylish and sustainable. Tomorrow's
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Future Observatory Journal

Issue Nº2: More than Human

Meet the new cohort of Design Accelerators


More-Than-Human Rights Mural

In this article, César Rodríguez-Garavito shares the development of the mural he has been working on with artist Elena Landinez. Representing many years of research into activism to protect the rights of rivers, the final work will be showcased in the More-than-Human exhibition at the Design Museum, opening in July 2025.
Author: César Rodríguez-Garavito

The Coast Is Not a Line, It's A Zone

In this research update, More-than-human Fellow Feifei Zhou, focuses on Kupang Bay in West Timor to examine traditional fishing practices threatened by coastal erosion and salt mining. The final piece will be showcased in the More-than-Human exhibition at the Design Museum, opening in July 2025.
Author: Feifei Zhou

Five more-than-human research projects join the Design Exchange Partnership programme

As part of a broader initiative to advance research in more-than-human design – recently reflected on in a blog post by Future Observatory director, Justin McGuirk – we are thrilled to introduce the

‘Urban green spaces have untapped potential for the green transition’

In this latest interview with Future Observatory researchers, we are introducing Katharine Willis and Ashita Gupta – the academic team leading Make Space for BEES, a Design Exchange Partnership
Leilah Hirson-Comley
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Design Researchers in Residence 2024-25


More-than-human Fellowship 2024-25


‘Human health is inextricably linked to the health of the planet’

In the latest of our interviews with Future Observatory researchers, we would like to introduce you to Paul Rodgers and Mel Woods – co-Directors of Design HOPES (Healthy Organisation in a Place-based
Leilah Hirson-Comley

More-than-human thinking for multiple audiences

Understanding the potential of designing with and for other species and living systems feels like an urgent undertaking. That is why we adopted More than Human as an ongoing research theme for 2024-5 – one that runs across our grants funding, our publishing and our exhibition-making.
Author: Justin McGuirk
meet the future observatory network

Listen to Future Observatory Podcast

Growing a Home, with Material Cultures

Recycling Colour, with Aida Rafat

Stone Age revival, with Amin Taha

Luxury from Landfill, with Elvis & Kresse

Algae Farming, with Samuel Iliffe